When I went to see my oncologist for an appointment she told me that the Cancer Center where I go for treatment was having a Vision Board program and she would like me to come. I asked what that was. My sister was with me and they both explained that I should bring pictures along and put them on the board.
I went to the program with several pictures from my traveling, of my precious hearing ear dog who was with me, and of my books. I even slipped in a picture of my oncologist, who has been my role model for 9 years and kept me alive.
About 25 people gathered including staff, my oncologist and her husband, cancer survivors and families including children. There was a long table of clip art and a pile of magazines. They showed us a video and asked us to begin. We were to visualize our goals.
I had no idea where to start, but did not want to sit there looking stupid. Everyone else looked like they knew what they were doing and was busy. As I looked at my items I realized that I wanted to do more writing, take more cruises and spend more time with my hearing ear dog. The board actually evolved and I was thrilled with the results. I then printed out the slogan “Write” and “Travel” and “Dream.” I looked at the table and saw the “Best Self.” These would make me be my best self. I then placed the picture of my oncologist on the Glacier Bay picture from Alaska, since she also enjoys traveling.
If you Google “.Vision Boards,” there are lots of articles and videos. This is a worthwhile activity I would advise anyone to try. Ideas can range from self improvement, to health and fitness, to home improvement and a plethora of other goals and dreams. My wise oncologist, Dr. Trehan and the great staff at Aultman Hospital Cancer Center realized something important. The visual boards gave all of us cancer survivors an important emotion – HOPE! Try it and enjoy! You will be glad you did!