It is hard to believe I have been writing these reflections and using the devotionals from the book on Sita since March! This is on turning inward and coping with an unprecedented time. I have also included a picture from my cruise in Canada because memories also keep me going! Hang in there everyone!

When the shutdown occurred way last March, I was very upset because I had to cancel four or five social engagements in one week! I know this is over the top, but being single I have many friends and go out frequently. My sister laughingly calls me a “woman of the streets” like the people in Spain who go out on the streets every evening and eat and socialize. I would fit in there with their siestas in the afternoon and social mingling at night eating tapas and moving from restaurant to restaurant.

My Reiki instructor, who is a good friend and a very spiritual person, sent me a message canceling our appointment and gave me the great advice to “look inward.”

Initially, I hated this new normal more than anything. If anyone had told me we still would be doing these seven months later, I would have said I would never survive. The late spring and summer and early fall have been tolerable because of social distancing outside and going to patios to eat. I dread the winter months horribly. However, I have learned some things from the first couple of months after the shutdown occurred.

Turning inward has meant that I have time to reflect. I have been able to write and love it. I have corresponded with people I hadn’t for a long time from all over the country via e-mail, letters and Facebook messaging. When the weather was nicer, I went outside and talked to neighbors I never knew before. Sita and I have sat outside by the hour with her greeting everyone going on their evening walk. I found time to sit down and read the paper in the mornings with a cup of coffee – or two. I have time for my writing and doing projects around the house. A closet or two have even been cleaned out!

But I have learned even more than that. I feel an uncertainty that things will never be back to what was once normal, but know we can face it. I appreciate being outside more than ever before. I have learned about Zoom and technology I never needed before now. I cannot wait once there is a vaccine and we can hug again, and I think we will all be hugging our loved ones very tightly. Road trips will mean a lot since I often visited Amish country and will again. And maybe someday I will fly again.

Most of all I know what the church means to me. The virtual services, the time spent outside in people’s gardens, the socializing under the pavilion, the correspondence, e-mails, and phone calls we share. The people in our church were always precious and are even more now. As we all face a long winter and fear of things closing down again and not being outside, I know one thing. I know all of you wonderful people – my family – will be there to help me and others through it. And remember God said, “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened and or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NRSV)

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